Nowadays, smartphones and tablets aren’t just modern conveniences, they’re necessities. When it comes to business and entrepreneurship, the need for mobile workforce solutions has become essential, and companies are rushing to integrate these mobile devices into their toolboxes.
That’s where Mobile Device Management comes in. Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a new software category that helps handle, track, and maintain a company’s mobile device usage; first establishing them with a mobile device system, then managing it as the company expands. With smaller companies especially, that don’t have structured IT departments, this expansion can happen too rapidly. The lack of coordination and oversight can severely affect the implementation of mobile solutions.
Here are five other reasons a mobile workforce solution may be right for your company.
1. Ease of Use
When it’s time to invest in a mobile workforce solution, the investment often comes with a management plan that greatly reduces the hassle over setup and maintenance. The MDM service offers the same consistency as when a laptop or desktop is issued to employees. The management team tracks usage and configurations, making it easy for the company to control its mobile assets in real time. Plus, most systems work similarly to regular smartphone use. So it’s user friendly for all employees.
2. Cost Reduction
For most companies without mobile solutions, they have multiple employees under one username. They share apps and the licenses to those devices and software. Then, when an employee leaves, they take those licenses with them. This can be costly for a company to replace.
With MDM, companies can choose which phones carry which software, and can revoke and re-allocate licenses when needed. This will save both money and essential data you may lose if you don’t have a similar solution.
3. Expand Your Capabilities
One perk of using a mobile workforce solution is the SMS or text messaging option on each phone. More and more customers in the United States and beyond are relying on text messaging to get work done, and having SMS options for your business will cater to their needs and preferences.
The Millennial generation (18-34) is now emerging as the largest living generation, and for them, text messaging is a way of life. To appeal to a changing population, adding SMS customer service options may greatly increase your customers’ experiences and their happiness.
4. Higher Security
With mobile solutions, you don’t have to worry about data being lost or stolen. If a device goes missing, MDM can perform a remote data wipe or device lock to ensure no important information is stolen. MDM can also ensure that data is secure in your employees hands by limiting what can be downloaded onto devices and shared. With certain apps and email services containing different security measures, your sensitive data will stay safe in the hands of your employees.
5. Make Your Service Stand Out
With a mobile workforce solution, your company will stand out from its competitors, who may be stuck in their old ways. With SMS options, you can not only offer your customers notifications through text, but also payment options through their mobile devices. Beyond text messaging and the aesthetic value of mobile applications are the options to embed videos or pictures into messages to your customers, which will make their experience much more satisfying.
Take your company into the future with a mobile workforce. It will not only differentiate you from your competition, but also reduce costs, heighten security, and increase your options.
Let Sonoran Integrations help you grow your business and give you an advantage over all those companies stuck in the past.
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