You may have heard about us, from a business contact or IT personnel, or you may have just recently found us in your ongoing search for increased efficiency for your company. No matter how you found us, we are glad you did!
Sonoran Integrations offers highly dedicated services and support team. Do you need service on your ShoreTel communications system? Perhaps looking for a specialized Unified Communications solutions to have your ShoreTel work for you in your current business environment? Are you looking to move some of your resources to a data center? Are you moving to Microsoft 365 or other cloud solutions that are offered today?
Join the team at Sonoran!
Our focus is helping our “team mates” reduce the extra work your company has to do. From the initial consulting stages, which can be the most vital because you may not even know exactly what your company needs, to implementation and ongoing maintenance, we stick with you through the entire process. We currently hold Gold Partner certified status with ShoreTel—due to our volume of clients, our certifications, and our consistently exceptional customer service.
We at Sonoran Integrations pride ourselves on customer-first business practices. We first invest in YOUR company, to help you become successful, which in turn helps our company grow.
Our overall goal is to offer technology solutions that promote efficiency, profitability, and support within your company. The idea that all successful organizations have overlapping relationships is a core value for us, so we are always seeking to partner with new clients. From our leadership down to our employees who implement and maintain our communication systems, everyone plans and acts for the sustainable success of our customers. Truly we take the “Team” concept to a new level!
You can read personal accounts from customers regarding the services we provide them on our website in the “Clients” section. From Southwest Service Administrators, you’ll read, “From the very beginning it has been a wonderful experience working with Sonoran.” And Carlota Copper Company asserts, “They are the only telecommunications company that I trust my reputation on.” You can join our satisfied customer team today! Contact us through our website or give us a call to begin a partnership that could boost your company in greater ways than you ever expected from an Elite Solutions Provider, such as Sonoran Integrations!
Before you officially begin partnering with us, we want to offer an incentive to join the Sonoran Team!
In the comments section, tell us who your favorite football team is and why you love them. Our employees (we will take in the consideration of your comments too of course!) will vote on their favorite response and the top five respondents will receive a FREE jersey of their favorite team! In your comment, be sure to include the team name, your jersey size, and what number you would like (if it is available). Join the Sonoran Team… by joining in on the fun!