Most employees today eschew the traditional 9-to-5 workday in favor of work-life balance and the ability to work when they want (and often where they want). The result often is an increase in productivity and a more satisfied workforce—a win-win for companies and their employees alike.

Are your systems supporting your employees or hindering them? Are employees able to have the full functionality of their office wherever they are? Are they able to remotely access customer information & applications securely to streamline customer interaction? Are they able to collaborate with colleagues on the fly by simply pressing a button?

Chances are, your current systems offers functionality only if they user is behind their desk. There may even be holes in that solution. Plus, if you are trying to collaborate, the solution often gets in the way of being useful.  Your result is a slow, kludgy operation that does anything but enhance productivity.

To truly be productive in and out of the office, your employees need more. They need a complete mobile solution for infrastructure, applications. communication and collaboration to help them work smarter, faster.

They need:

  • The ability to have all of their “office” solutions (Phone, Full Applications, Email, etc.) on any device—PC, tablet, smartphone.
  • Collaboration capabilities—including audio and videoconferencing, instant messaging and online meetings—no matter where they are.
  • Integrated customer information at the touch of a finger, to enable richer customer contact experiences.

Most legacy infrastructure lack mobility, flexibility and collaborative capabilities.  It’s keeping employees tethered to their desk or forcing them to use their personal mobile phone numbers to conduct business while away from the office. Either way, they don’t have the power of an mobile solution platform, can’t be monitored and are creating security holes for your business.

Cloud-based IT & Communication systems may be the answer for your company, providing a robust, full-featured, integrated solution that’s accessible anywhere, at any time, securely and reliably. Not only do your employees get all the tools they need to do their jobs effectively and efficiently, your business benefits from a system that’s scalable and flexible, and at a price that’s much less than the cost of upgrading your current infrastructure.

On top of all that, cloud-based systems include:

  • The ability to get back online quickly should the unexpected happen, such as a natural disaster, fire or weather-related event.
  • Low or no hassle for the IT department, since a the system is a hosted system managed by the provider or Sonoran Integrations offsite.

In today’s business environment, your workforce MUST be as productive as possible no matter where they are. Please let us help you create a road map to get you these solutions.




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